Housed in a historical schoolhouse built in 1914, the Crowley Heritage Center puts the history of Crowley County on display. The collection tells the story of the determined survival of a diverse mixture of people from several cultures, who homesteaded on some of the best grassland in southeast Colorado. Various rooms recount the tales of the Japanese, Hispanic and German-Russian immigrants who are all part of the history of the area.
- Apple Packing
- Crowley Heritage Cener
- Sugar Beets
Hours: Monday – Friday, 9 am to 12 noon; Tuesdays 1 pm to 4 pm Call for museum tour appointments.
MORE INFORMATION: Crowley Heritage Center
- Ammodramus, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons
Crowley County Heritage Center, located on Main Street in Crowley, Colorado; seen from the south - Apple Packing, from the Crowley Heritage Center
Apple packing at Colorado Farm & Livestock Co. near Olney, CO to be shipped on the Missouri Pacific Railroad. - Sugar Beets, from the Crowley Heritage Center
Sending sugar beets from the unloading stations on the Missouri Pacific Railroad